System/Tech Requirements
Access to Scratch
Windows , MacOS or Linux
Chromebooks will work but are not recommended
Access to Processing
Windows, MacOS or Linux C
Chromebooks are not compatible/recommended
At least 4GB Ram
Processor with 4 or more cores
At least 400MB or storage space
Access to Unity
Windows, MacOS or Linux
At least 8GB Ram (16 or more Is recommended)
Visual studio or visual studio code (we can assist you with installation in class)
Processor with 6 or more cores
At least 5GB or storage space (recommend 10 or more if creating multiple projects)
A graphics card is STRONGLY recommended (e.g. Nvidia GTX 750 or AMD R7 265 or higher, intel integrated graphics will work but are not recommended.)
Keyboard + mouse (controller is optional for testing, a mouse is a must)
Minecraft Modding:
Access to McCreator and Blockbench
Windows 7+/10 or Linux (>2.6 kernels) Ubuntu/Debian/ with GTK3+ or MacOS 11+(no Chromebooks!)
64-bit architecture and operating system
4GB or more of RAM (2GB is enough for data pack and add-on maker, but not for Java-based mods, recommend 8GB)
2 core CPU Intel/AMD/ appleM1 silicon (Recommend 4 core CPU)
1 GB of free storage (recommend 2GB)
Access to Piskel
4GB Ram
2 Core Cpu Intel/AMD/Apple M1 silicon
500mb free storage (to download your creations from the website)
Keyboard + mouse (tablets for drawing is optional)
Digital Photography:
iPhone or iPad with camera
Download 7 day free trial of Adobe Photoshop